Directorate of Investment and Company Administration, Yangon Branch
Mission and Vision
On 10th April 2013, Directorate of Investment and Company Administration, Yangon Branch was opened at the Head Office of the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration which is located at No. (1), Thit Sar Road, Yankin Township. The office was moved to No. 49, Sein Lae May Street, Kabar Aye Pagoda Road, Yankin Township, Yangon Region on 24th March 2019 and operating company affairs, investment affairs and one stop service for investment.

Mission of the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration, Yangon Branch is “To promote the investment opportunities and good investment environment and support the investors and to encourage the development of socio-economic life and the development of the private sector of Yangon Region” and Vision of the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration, Yangon Branch is to be a successful performing investment promotion agency and to support the development of socio-economic life of Yangon Region by enhancing the responsible and accountable investments.
Duties and Responsibilities
- The secretariat of the Yangon Region Investment Committee
- Scrutinize the endorsement application form and general issues
- Ground field inspection of investment activities
- Company Registration
- Office of the One Stop Services for Investment- OSS
- Participating in a total of (23) committees assigned by Yangon Region Government such as Thilawa Special Economic Zone, Yangon Region Industrial Zones Development and Supervision Committee, Yangon Region Data Accuracy and Quality of Statistics Committee, Yangon Region Elimination of Child Labor Committee, Yangon Region Micro, Small and Medium Development Agency.